Saturday 27 July 2013

Claire's turquoise roses

Oscha roses vanilla (preorder cotton/silk blend), with a beautiful turquoise acid dye. This one was hard to send back!! <3

Vici's ice lolly grad

Hoppediz Casablanca with a red/orange/yellow grad :)

Thursday 11 July 2013

Kat's black & white Indio part 1

Kat sent me a black & white Indio and asked for peacock colours.  I LOVE dyeing B&W Indios.  I adore the contrast.  I've started by doing the whole thing a bright blue.  I will continue by doing an emerald/jade green grad from one side and purple from the other.

Tarn's tussah fish Ring Sing

Tarn asked for a bright (but not neon) green dip.  Here is a photo of her with her beautiful squish having cuddles in it. <3

Alison's Starry Night Raven

Alison sent me her Oscha SNR and asked for a pink/purple grad. I suggested doing a splash on each rail instead of overlapping in the middle so there would still be a section of silvery starry goodness in the middle.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Samantha's Milky Way

Samantha sent me her ecru Milky Way for a turquoise/magenta grad :)

Friday 14 June 2013

Black and white Indio pt.2

I did the magenta half of the grad tonight, and it's turned out much more vibrant than the green, so I've decided to give the green another dip tomorrow :)